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China Sporting Goods Federation (abbreviated as CSGF), founded in 1993, is a national industry association of sporting goods manufacturers and distributors in China recognized by Ministry of Civil Affairs, and guided by General Administration of Sport of China.
CSGF joined the World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) in 2001 as the sole Chinese and plenipotentiary member, makes voice in global stage in name of sporting goods industry of China, and liaises with various national and regional sporting goods organizations. 
CSGF has over 1,200 member companies of all kinds, including 700+ corporate members and 500+ institutional members from educational system, venue owners and so forth.
*Standardization and certification of sporting goods, improve the management level of sporting goods corporations, and ensure the quality of sporting goods products
*Organize China Sport Show to build an industry exchange platform
*Hold forums and meetings to stimulate idea exchanges for industry development
*Coordinate industry statistics, research and data release
*Conduct industry research to assist in government decision-making, corporate development and industry enhancement
*Provide industrial information and consulting services
*Industry PR services, comprehensively shaping the industry influence
*Advocate social responsibility and carry out public welfare activities
*Host international forums to promote international exchange and cooperation in the sporting goods industry
*Actively participate in international organizations to help Chinese sporting goods stand out in the global stage
To drive Chinese sporting goods industry to develop in a healthy direction, building bridges for the industry, companies and government;
To regulate the industry to comply with the constitutions, laws, regulations and national policies and to abide by social morale and ethics;
To implement national industry policies, to perform functions consigned by government, to rule the industry in assistance with government;
To establish and improve industry self-regulatory mechanisms in accordance with market principles, and to maintain legitimate rights and interests of members;
To develop friendly relations with regional, national and international sporting goods organizations and companies, performing as corporations and government bridges;
To expand the international co-operation and information exchange of sporting goods, striving to serve the companies, the industry and government;
To promote the robust development of Chinese sporting goods industry and that of sports.

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