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Agenda of China Sporting Goods Industry Summit 2017

Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2017-07-18Clicks:


  China Sporting Goods Industry Annual Summit 2017

  时间:5月22日 9:00-11:45

  Time: 9:00-11:45 May 22


  Venue: Banquet Hall of Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao


  9:00-9:10 Speech delivery


  Guest: Leader of General Administration of Sport of China

  9:10-9:20 致辞

  9:10-9:20 Speech delivery


  Guest: Leader of China Sporting Goods Federation (CSGF)

  9:20-9:40 探索转型升级关键点,激活体育用品发展新路径

  9:20-9:40 Exploring key points in transformation and upping to the new level, and activating new routes to developing sporting goods


  Guest: Wang Weidong, Director of the Development of Economy of General Administration of Sport of China


  9:40-10:10 Strengthening establishment of sporting goods standards, guaranteeing people’s livelihood and creating core competitiveness


  Guest: Yang Zeshi, Director of the Department of Service Industry Standards of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China

  10:10-10:25 茶歇

  10:10-10:25 Tea break

  10:25-10:55 崛起的中国力量—国际视角下的中国体育用品发展新趋势

  10:25-10:55 Emerging Chinese power – new development trends of China sporting goods from the international perspective

  嘉宾:世界体育用品联合会副总裁 Stefanie Burkert

  Guest: Stefanie Burkert, Vice President of World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry

  10:55-11:15 撬动社会力量,激活体育产业升级新能量

  10:55-11:15 Mobilizing social forces to invigorate new energy for the upping the new level of the sporting industry


  Guest: Huang Yongping, Director of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City and Secretary of the Party Committee of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City

  11:15-11:45 回归体育本源,与国民体育消费升级共同进入新阶段


  11:15-11:45 Returning to the origins of sports, and entering a new stage together with the upping to the new level of national sports consumption

  Li Ning, Chairman of Li-Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., Ltd.


  Adolescent Sports Development Forum


  Time: 14:00-16:45 May 22


  Venue: Jinhua Hall of Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao

  14:00-14:10 领导致辞

  14:00-14:10 Speech delivery by leaders


  Guest: Leader of General Administration of Sport of China

  14:10-14:30 联动各方力量加速升级进程,共同引领青少年体育新局面

  14:10-14:30 Uniting all forces to accelerate upping to the new level, and opening up new situations for adolescent sports


  Guest: Liu Fumin, Director of the Department of Adolescent Sports of General Administration of Sport of China

  14:30-14:50 加强校园体育建设,构建青少年体育发展坚实原动力

  14:30-14:50 Strengthening campus sports development, and forming solid prime power for adolescent sports development


  Guest: Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education of China

  14:50-15:05 茶歇

  14:50-15:05 Tea break

  15:05-15:25 《2016中国青少年体育发展报告》数据分享

  15:05-15:25 Data sharing about 2016 China Adolescent Sports Development Report


  Guest: Yang Hua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Sport University

  15:25-15:45 上海市青少年体育工作经验

  15:25-15:45 Experience in adolescent sports work in Shanghai


  Guest: Guo Bei, Inspector of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City

  15:45-16:45 多方联动,探索青少年体育蓝海

  15:45-16:45 Exploring potential adolescent sports markets through joint efforts


  Representatives of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China


  Chen Huijuan, Principal of Yangtai Experimental School, Shanghai


  Pei Lixin, Director of National Fitness Research Center of Guangzhou Sport University


  Zhang Jiahua, Chairman of Shenzhen Good Family Enterprise Co., Ltd.

  万国体育总裁(CEO) 张涛

  Zhang Tao, CEO of Vango Sports


  Moderator: Zhang Qing (Adam Zhang), Founder and CEO of Key-solution Sports Consulting Co., Ltd.


  China Sports Stadium Facility Development Forum 2017

  时间:5月22日 14:00-17:25

  Time: 14:00-17:25 May 22


  Venue: Wenhua Hall of Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao

  14:00-14:05 介绍到场嘉宾

  14:00-14:05 Introduction to guests present


  Moderator: Zhang Lenian, Former Deputy Editor-in-chief of China Sports Daily and Founder of China Winter Sports

  14:05-14:15 领导致欢迎辞

  14:05-14:15 Leader welcome speech delivery


  Guest: Leader of CSGF

  14:15-14:30 加快中国体育场馆标准化面临的难题,全国推行团标的宣贯

  14:15-14:30 Accelerating solutions to problems in standardizing China’s sports stadium, and publicizing group standards nationwide


  Guest: Department of Service Industry Standards of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China


  14:30-14:45 How does the polyurethane chemical industry achieve sustainable achievement in tracks?

  嘉宾:巴斯夫亚太区总监 Larsen Kolberg

  Guest: Larsen Kolberg, Director of BASF Asia Pacific

  14:45-15:00 一体化体育场馆的设计、建造及运营

  14:45-15:00 Design, construction and operation of integrated sports stadiums


  Guest: Chen Yibin, Founder of Losberger Architecture Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

  15:00-15:15 主旨演讲:PPP模式助力全民健身,1+1>2多方共赢

  15:00-15:15 Keynote speech: PPP mode promotes national fitness, and 1+1>2 creates win-win situations for multiple parties


  Guest: Wang Shen, Chairman of Green World Sports Industry Incorporated

  15:20-16:20 焦点对话: 全民健身体育场馆的“升级”模式

  15:20-16:20 Focused dialogue: “Up to the New Level” modes of sports stadiums designed for national fitness

  嘉宾 Guest:


  Luo Yun, General Manager of MetaSpace (Beijing) Air Dome Corp.


  Enterprise representatives of Beijing Sports and Entertainment Industry Group Limited




  Experts from China Architecture Design Group

  16:20-17:20 焦点对话:塑胶跑道行业的困局,其中蕴含着的希望和重生之机在哪里?

  16:20-17:20 Focused dialogue: Hopes and rebirth opportunities hidden in the predicament of the plastic track industry




  Che Yanping, Drafter of Group Standards in Shanghai and Senior Engineer of Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (Group) Co., Ltd


  Guo Zhongbao, Director of the Department of Test Management of China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd.


  Lin Fanqiu, General Manager of Shanghai DBC Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.


  Zhao Wenhai, Chairman of Changhe Group


  The Infrastructure Department of Fudan University


  17:20-17:25 The moderator announces the conclusion of the forum


  College Stadiums and Gyms Management Forum

  时间:5月23日 9:30-14:00

  Time: 9:30-14:00 May 23

  地点:国家会展中心(上海) C0会议区 C0-02

  Venue: Meeting Room C0-02, C0 Convention Zone, National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)

  9:00-9:45 致辞

  9:00-9:45 Speech delivery


  Guest: Leader of the Sports Special Committee of China Association of Higher Education

  9:45-10:25 学校体育场馆场地在体育教学、训练过程中的安全管理和有效利用

  9:45-10:25 Safety management and effective utilization of school stadiums and gyms in physical education and training

  嘉宾:王正伦 南京体育学院副院长

  Guest: Wang Zhenglun, Associate Dean of Nanjing Sport Institute

  10:25-11:15 学校体育场馆的标准化设计和创新使用:以国外体育场馆为例分析

  10:25-11:15 Standardized design and innovative utilization of school stadiums and gyms: case analysis of foreign stadiums and gyms

  嘉宾: 李志实 中铁工程设计咨询集团建筑设计研究院专家

  Guest: Li Zhishi, Expert from Architectural Design and Research Institute of China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

  11:15-11:55 学校体育场馆场地运营管理、对外开放案例分析

  11:15-11:55 Case analysis of operation management and public opening of school stadiums and gyms

  嘉宾: 梁家栋 首都体育学院场馆管理中心主任

  Guest: Liang Jiadong, Director of the Center of Sports Facilities and Equipment Management of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports

  11:55-14:00 会议安排中餐

  11:55-14:00 Lunch

  14:00 集体观摩体博会

  14:00 Group visit to China International Sporting Goods Show


  China National Fitness Forum 2017


  Time: 13:30-16:40 May 23

  地点:国家会展中心(上海) C0会议区 C0-02

  Venue: Meeting Room C0-02, C0 Convention Zone, National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)

  13:30-13:45 致辞:健康中国,启动健身领域全新增长点

  13:30-13:45 Speech delivery: Healthy China Initiative launches new sources of growth in economy in the fitness field


  Moderator: Leader of CSGF

  13:45-14:00 致辞

  13:45-14:00 Speech delivery


  Guest: Qiu Ru, Deputy Director of the Department of Mass Sports of General Administration of Sport of China

  14:00-14:35 以上海市全民健身发展经验为例解读政府职能转型新思路

  14:00-14:35 Interpreting new thoughts in the transformation of government functions with development experience of national fitness in Shanghai


  Guest: Leader of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City

  14:35-15:05 健康中国+全民健身优秀实践经验分享

  14:35-15:05 Experience sharing of excellent practices in Healthy China Initiative and national fitness


  Guest: Li Xiangru, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports

  15:05-15:25 茶歇

  15:05-15:25 Tea break

  15:25-16:25 焦点对话: 契合健康需求,探索全民健身设施升级新趋势

  15:25-16:25 Focused dialogue: meeting health needs, and exploring new trends of the upping to the new level of national fitness facilities




  Leader of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City


  Hao Hushan, General Manager of Shanxi Orient Fitness & Health Industrial Co., Ltd.


  Huang Haiyan, Associate Dean of the Research Institute for Sport Industry Development of Shanghai University of Sport


  Zhang Jihua, Chairman of Shenzhen Good Family Enterprise Co., Ltd.


  Promotion of Stars Project and Exhibition & Exchange of Athlete Venture and Innovation Achievements

  时间:5月24日9:00-14:30 13:30-14:30

  Time: 9:00-14:30 13:30-14:30 May 24

  地点:国家会展中心(上海) C0会议区 C0-02;7.2号馆全民健身大舞台

  Venue: Meeting Room C0-02, C0 Convention Zone, National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai); National Fitness Platform, Hall 7.2

  9:00-9:10 启动仪式:上海体育局领导致辞

  9:00-9:10 Launching ceremony: Speech delivery by leader of Sports Bureau of Shanghai City

  9:10-9:30 主旨演讲:中国运动员就业创业发展报告

  9:10-9:30 Keynote speech: Report on venture development of Chinese athletes

  9:30-10:00 主旨演讲:我的创业历程

  9:30-10:00 Keynote speech: My venture course

  10:00-10:20 主旨演讲:体育用品业与运动员就业创业

  10:00-10:20 Keynote speech: The sporting goods industry and athlete venture

  10:20-10:30优秀成果展示: 优秀运动员创业企业成果展示

  10:20-10:30 Exhibition of excellent venture achievements made by elite athletes

  10:30-11:30 圆桌对话:机遇与挑战—体育产业快速发展给运动员职业发展带来更大空间

  10:30-11:30 Round-table dialogue: Opportunities and challenges – rapid growth of the sporting industry brings greater space for career development of athletes

  11:30-11:50 战略合作:发起扶持退役运动员就业创业创新倡议

  11:30-11:50 Strategic cooperation: Launch innovative initiatives to support retired athletes in venture

  11:50-12:00 闭幕:国家体育总局人事司领导讲话

  11:50-12:00 Closing: Speech delivery by leader of the Department of Human Resources of General Administration of Sport of China

  13:30-14:30知名运动员展示: 创业项目介绍及团队展示

  13:30-14:30 Exhibition of renowned athletes: introduction to venture programs and team exhibition

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