China Sporting Goods Federation visited FSB Exhibition held in Cologne Germany
Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2019-11-07Clicks:
FSB and Aquanale Show was held 5-8 November, 2019. Mr. Luo Jie, Vice President and General Secretary, Mr. Wenjia, Deputy GS, and other representatives of CSGF visited Cologne Germany for FSB and Aquanale Show held by Koelnmesse every two years. This is the consecutive third time for CSGF delegation to visit the exhibition.
Around 620 exhibiting companies from 45 countries are expected to attend FSB 2019, of which 60 per cent are coming from abroad, covers in total around 90,000 square metres of exhibition space, both events, FSB and aquanale. Around 80 exhibitors from China participated as exhibitors for this year.