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40% Indian consumers ready to pay more for sustainable items: PwC

Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2023-08-29Clicks:
Article From:fibre2fashion
Sixty-five per cent of Indian consumers plan to raise online shopping in the next six months, with the majority expecting no change to their shopping channel behaviour, a PwC Global consumer insights pulse survey revealed.
Among Indian consumers, 65 per cent have purchased directly from a brand’s website, with 3 in 10 open to considering buying directly, it found.
Apparel and accessories and food and beverage and are the most popular for purchase or consideration.
The survey also found that four in 10 consumers would be willing to pay up to 10 per cent more than the average price for products which are produced sustainably or ethically, with 19 per cent of Indian consumers open to paying up to 20 per cent more to companies with a reputation for ethical practices.
Consumers have also started turning to the internet to research products before buying them and businesses are now looking at managing the pre-purchase consumer experience by investing in search engine optimisation.
Around five in 10 consumers consistently use their smartphone in-store for price comparison or to view live product reviews via social media before they buy, the survey found.
“Search engine optimisation remains key to target and influence pre-purchasing behaviour. The influence of traditional TV ads and sponsored social media ads has increased, leading to a greater impact on pre-purchase choice,” PwC said.
“By strategically investing in potent search engine optimization techniques, retailers can ensure heightened product visibility and organically boost traffic. Simultaneously, market leaders must cement their virtual foothold, nimbly adapting to the constantly evolving expectations of the modern consumer,” said Ravi Kapoor, partner and leader, retail and consumer, PwC India.
One in three consumers in India purchase via subscription models and a further quarter said they will be willing to try these models in the next six months.
Millennials and Gen Z are significantly more likely to be planning to sign up, and the top categories for them will be health and well-being products, clothing/fashion and groceries.
Indian consumers are seeking a variety of payment options, faster and responsive touch screen technology, and more readily available staff for checkout issues, the survey found.

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