Deloitte Study Explores Link Between Women’s Sports and Career Success
Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2023-09-25Clicks:
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A new survey released from Deloitte found a wide majority of women who played sports said it is important to their career success.
The “Impact of Sports on Women’s Professional Success” overall found that women who played competitive sports as kids were more likely to be in leadership or management roles later in life. The online survey of 1,100 employed and previously employed American women, ages 18 and old, was conducted in August 2023.
Deloitte’s survey overall found the following:
Eighty-five percent of surveyed women who played sports said the skills they developed were important to success in their professional careers. The findings are higher among women in leadership roles (91 percent) and women who make $100,000 or more (93 percent);
Of female respondents who make $100,000 or more annually and are in management or leadership roles, 69 percent played competitive sports;
Regardless of personal experience playing sports, 61 percent of respondents agreed that girls who play sports are likely to have successful careers;
Three-fourths of women surveyed who played competitive sports (75 percent) agreed that girls who play competitive sports are more likely to be successful in their careers;
According to respondents who played competitive sports, the top skills gained include teamwork (69 percent) and leadership (41 percent). Other skills include managing stress and pressure (36 percent), problem-solving (35 percent) and effective communication (34 percent).
For more survey details, go here.